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2004-07-08 - 11:24 p.m.

It is really hard to be all into the planning and the spending tons of money for your best friend's wedding this year when your own wedding has been pushed back another year due to not having the money to spend on yourself.

It is even harder to stomach the guilt over not feeling thrilled for your best friend in the midst of your own wedding funk. It is a little less hard when said friend just sent a snarky email detailing the plans for her stripper for her bachelorette party you're throwing her because you misinterpreted what she said about the stripper this morning and now she wants to clarify. Because you read it fast because you don't really care.

I don't want a damn stripper for my wedding brouhaha. I don't want my friends to miss many days of work and spend hundreds of dollars on me, even if they can.

I just want to be Justin's wife.

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