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2004-07-07 - 10:45 p.m.

I love that he still loves me even when I do that thing one day each month where I completely break down due to a hormonal fluxuation also known as PMS and start crying about the women's liberation, because that's usually the focus of my hormonally imbalanced mind, like it was last night where after we came home from a hearty Black Angus meal, I decided we needed to discuss in generous detail the whys and hows of women earning 60 cents to men's dollar, what it means for society, why I hate that it will probably fuck me promotion-wise to ever take a maternity leave, and what our hypothetical future daughter will learn about women's worth in a workforce-driven society that places a lower monetary value on her gender.

And then after he calmed me down, he brought me water, hugged me tight, and gave me a neck massage to relieve my throbbing, drunk, overanalytical brain, I passed out.

I'm so sorry, honey. Happy 9-month anniversary.

- your loving feminazi

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